The main purpose of this site is pregame music but sometimes when it's a slow day we can take the time to appreciate some different types of music. The following are songs that the casual music fans have probably never heard of but anyone who follows music blogs has known for months and months so I apologize to those people you can just skip right over this but I'm pretty sure that most of you will find these songs new. I spent a lot of time on Hype Machine over the past few weeks and these are some of the more popular (and the best) songs floating around the internet.

Check them out I know you're the man but you're not too cool to listen to some indie rock or electro every now and then and let's face it you don't want Flo Rida blaring out of your headphones every second of the day sometimes you just want to relax a little.

1) Fleet Foxes: Mykonos
I had to check to make sure this was actually a new-ish song because it sounds so old school, just listen to the beginning and the lead singer's voice...I love this.

2) Florence & The Machine: Cosmic Love, Postcards From Italy, Howl
Everyone knows I'm a sucker for a chick with a great voice and this 22 year old British girl is niiiiiice.

3) The Gossip: Heavy Cross, For Keeps
Do me a favor and don't look up anything about the band. Don't Google Image the lead singer no matter what you do. Trust me just listen to the music and you'll thank me for the advice.

4) Dirty Projectors: Stillness Is The Move

5) Discovery: So Insane, I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend

6) Harlem Shakes: Sunlight

7) Phoenix: Lisztomania
Probably the best know band on this list, starting to get mainstream, recently played on some late night talk show

8) Grizzly Bear: Two Weeks
Probably the second best known

9) Peter Bjorn & John: Nothing to Worry About
Kanye loves this song

10) Animal Collective: My Girls
This is where I show my non-blog-snob colors...this song was #1 on more than one "Top Songs of 2009" lists, people are drooling and passing out from this song. I think it's good but I just don't see why the extreme hype.

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