Let this be a lesson to all you unknown rappers out there if you wanna be featured on the world's hottest music blog then all you have to do is follow a simple formula. Get yourself a world class DJ (although I could really do without Khaled fucking screaming all over everything) and get some sort of talented R&B singer to do the hook. That's it. 9 times out of 10 I'll like that song.
The absolute perfect example is "All the Above." Would I listen to Maino under most cirumstances? No. But get a sick beat and T-Pain on the chorus and WALA, one of my favorite songs of the year.
In this case, you've got Bali. Will I ever listen to Bali again? Chances are slim. But he's got a good beat goin here and Kevin Cossom, a VERY-poor-man's T-Pain who's somewhat underrated (did the hook on Rick Ross's Usual Suspects), does the hook. And that's why "Bali" gets the nod here. It's nothing spectacular but it's worth at least one week in the iPod.
Also, I was just listening to the chorus while I was writing that...you gotta give Cossom some better lyrics to work with here, "I'ma make it to the end guaranteed I'ma win and you know I won't stop"??
Also, yeah I know Hurricane Chris has a new song, and yeah it sucks just as bad as "Halle Berry", and yeah there's no fuckin chance we'll be "Gettin Ratchet" here on the site. Go DL it somewhere else.