Bangkok Endorses "Funny People"

There was no question that I was going to see Funny People the first time that I ever saw the trailer. But I can see how some of you may be hung-up on whether or not to go: mixed reviews, not sure if it's a comedy or not, etc etc. It's hovering around a 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. I'm sure a bunch of your friends saw it and 50% said good things and 50% said bad things. I know my friends loved it, my mom hated it.

I feel like I have a death-grip on the opinions of the Bangkok demographic so I'm giving it my full endorsement and telling you to go see it. I loved it. Biggest downside: too long. 2 hrs and 20 min and it definitely drags in the second half. But it's completely worth it. It's laugh out loud hilarious ("LOL" for all the kids). It's also depressing but that is part of the great storyline. I don't understand people saying there's no plot. The plot was awesome. If you don't get the point of it you're an idiot. Even if there wasn't a plot who gives a shit? It's the funniest people in Hollywood all in the same movie. Sounds like a fine time to me!
There's love, fart and dick jokes, great music, great acting. Check Check Check Check. I don't need Roger Ebert to tell me I'll enjoy those things.
So go see it. And here's a good depressing song from the movie.

Warren Zevon: Keep Me In Your Heart

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