Your Secret is Safe With Me

Everyone knows that sometimes when you're alone you put on your secret playlist with gay, girly music on it and sing along.  Sometimes it's in the car, sometimes in your room alone...sometimes you even put it on with a friend as a joke, secretly hoping they like it so you can learn all the words together and have it be "your song."  You don't need to hide it from and a roomate of mine who will remain nameless have plenty of girly songs together.  Some examples are the infamous "Bubbly," by Colbie Callait, "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles, any Michelle Branch song, that Hilary Duff song from Laguna....etc, etc etc.  Anyway, here are some more songs in that vein, at the very least one of these will probably be the next Apple song for their commercials so you can say you heard it already.

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